Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The only competing we need to do is with ourselves.

I gave up comparing myself to others a long time ago. My "a ha" moment came when I found out that the person I was admiring and thought was so perfect in every way turned out to be a train wreck. When I got to know her I wouldn't have traded places with her for anything. Suddenly I was okay - actually, better than okay.

When we stop comparing ourselves with others, we can actually increase our progress. We won’t be so discouraged—and we will be able to be more productive. We can try to be better than we were yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.

I guess that's why I've always liked golf better than tennis. With tennis, everyone is either better than you are and they don't want to play with you - or they are worse than you are and you don't want to play with them. With golf, you have a "handicap" to level the playing field. You can play with anyone and have a good time.

The photo above is me - thirty years ago (age 34). I had a picture perfect swing and everyone I played with said, "you're going to be a really good golfer." They were wrong. Yes, I could hit my drive (actually a three wood) 220 yards and could be in front of the green in regulation - but then it would take me five strokes to get the ball in the cup! I've only broken a hundred about ten times in my life. But you know what? I don't care. I just always played the best I could, and I had a good time. I was capable of paring any hole on the course, and I even had a few birdies.  I won lots of tournaments (I had a really high handicap, so when I had a good round, nobody could beat me ). I always looked like a good golfer having a bad round and I was happy with that.

So, if I find myself becoming overly impressed by someone else's talents, I just remind myself that I am just as talented and important in my own sphere of influence...and then I eat a cookie.

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