Monday, March 22, 2010

Looking for Mr. Perfect?

Why is it that everyone is looking for Mr (or Miss) Perfect - and they are not willing to settle for less? If you find him, do you seriously think he'd be interested in you?  Are YOU perfect?  Why would HE settle?

So, what's wrong with you?  Do you know? If you know, what are you doing about it?  If you don't know, ask a friend.  They are probably dying to tell you but never would because they don't want to hurt your feelings.  But if you ask them, and tell them you REALLY want to know.  They'll tell you.  But, if I were you, I'd preface it by asking for only ONE thing.  "What do you think is the number one reason why I can't find Mr. Perfect?" Otherwise, you are opening yourself up to a laundry list that truly will hurt your feelings.  The goal is to try to get some constructive criticism, not to make yourself feel like crap.

Think of the kind of guy you are trying to attract, and then become the woman HE is looking for.

The goal is not to wait for the right person but to be the right person.

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